The Cohiba Connecticut is one of the latest offerings from General Cigar. This particular blend was announced in July of this year.
The blend consists of an Ecuadoran Connecticut wrapper, a Mexican San Andrés binder and fillers from Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican Piloto Cubano, Dominican Olor and Nicaraguan tobacco from Jalapa.
The cigar is made in the Dominican Republic at the General Cigar Dominicana factory.
The Ecuador wrapper is grown under natural cloud cover shade. I has a light brown color and very few fine veins. It has a faint cedar and tobacco aroma while the foot has a faintly sweet scent.
The cigar had an average weight and was firm to touch. Once clipped I gave it a pre-light draw that was firm. During the draw, I picked up on hay and tobacco flavors.
Throughout the smoke session the cigar had a wavy burn with a dark carbon ring and a gray ash.
The first third had a mild finish on my palate with notes of mild tobacco.
Moving into the second third, there was a longer finish and lots of deep tobacco flavor with coffee notes.
Finishing up the cigar, I found a medium spice sensation on the retrohale, a long finish that coated my palate and rich tobacco flavor.
Summing up the Cohiba Connecticut, I would consider this a mild to medium strength and bodied cigar that would be an excellent cigar with morning coffee.
I give the Cohiba Connecticut an 82.
Cohiba Cigar has unique taste. No cigar can match its style and its taste. I absolutely love it!