These next two blog posts are a bit of a departure from my normal content.
Up first is a review on a men’s safety razor called the Micro Touch One.
I have never used a safety razor before. When I was first old enough to shave, I began with a Norelco Tripleheader electric razor. I think I chose that brand of electric razor because I like the old holiday TV commercials of an elf using the triplehead as a sled, sliding down a hill. Eventually I moved on to inexpensive disposable razors. I used singles, doubles and sometimes went crazy and bought some 5 blade razors.
a tremendous cost savings and gave me a better shave than I could possibly get with my current disposables.
The one complaint I have always had with these disposables is the fact that the blades would quickly get all gunked up with my whiskers and shaving gel. Sure, It was easy enough to rinse out but, they never seemed to be as clean as when you first take it out of the package.
When the Micro Touch One first came to my house, I was impressed with the packaging and the contents of the kit. The razor itself is very hefty and has an extremely shiny, chrome like finish. The plastic travel case has a mirror mounted on the inside cover and a compartment in the bottom for a generous supply of the safety blades.
The razor is very easy to load a blade into. Simply twist the bottom of the handle and the two butterfly doors open up and the blade drops right in. Close the doors with a reverse twist and you are ready to go.
The blades are extremely sharp and gave me quite possibly, the closest shave I have ever had. The razor rinses out very easily with no residue or stray whiskers left between shaving strokes. I think I liked this result even more than the close shave!
Clean up at the end is equally easy, just twist open the blade compartment and rinse off your blade and you’re done.
The kit as it was shipped to me costs $19.99 plus S&H and comes with 24 safety blades which could possibly last an entire year. That is a tremendous cost savings and gave me a better shave than I could possibly get with my current disposables.
This Micro Touch One safety razor is far and away better than any of the disposable razors I have used and one single blade has lasted longer than the two or three disposables I would use in a week for shaving.
I am very impressed with the quality and performance of this razor and I am seriously considering using this product as my primary razor in the future.
What do you use to shave with and what do you think of this Micro Touch One? Let me know in the comments!