RVGN 64 is a premium cigar produced by GermanEngineeredCigars. This particular cigar is a medium to full-bodied smoke with a length of 9.25 inches and a ring gauge of 47. It is made using a blend of carefully selected Dominican, Nicaraguan and Pennsylvania tobaccos, along with an Equador wrapper that gives it a unique flavor profile.
Upon lighting the RVGN 64, the first thing that strikes you is the aroma of earth and wood that fills the air. The initial draw is smooth and easy, with a slightly sweet taste that is quickly followed by a burst of spicy flavors. The cigar has a perfect burn, producing a thick, white ash that holds firm for a long time.
As the RVGN 64 progresses, the flavors become more complex, with notes of coffee, leather, and cocoa making an appearance. The spicy notes are still present, but they are now balanced by a mellow sweetness that makes this cigar an enjoyable smoke from start to finish. The retrohale is particularly pleasant, with a slightly peppery sensation that adds to the overall experience.
One thing that I particularly appreciated about the RVGN 64 is its consistency. The flavors and draw remained consistent throughout the smoke, with no harsh or bitter notes even as the cigar approached the nub. This is a testament to the quality of the tobacco used, as well as the skill of the rollers who crafted this cigar.
Another aspect that impressed me was the construction of the RVGN 64. The wrapper was flawless, with no visible veins or blemishes, and it held up perfectly even as I smoked the cigar down to the final inch. The burn was even and slow, with no need for touch-ups or relights. This made for a very relaxing smoking experience, as I was able to simply sit back and enjoy the flavors and aromas without having to fuss with the cigar.
Overall, I would highly recommend the RVGN 64 to anyone looking for a high-quality cigar with complex flavors and excellent construction. It is a perfect smoke for a special occasion, or simply for relaxing after a long day. The medium to full-bodied profile may be a bit strong for beginners, but for experienced cigar smokers, it is sure to please. The price point is also reasonable, given the quality of the cigar, making it a great value for the money.
In conclusion, the RVGN 64 is an outstanding cigar that offers a truly enjoyable smoking experience. The combination of flavors, aroma, and construction make it a standout in its class, and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone looking for a premium smoke. Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or just starting out, the RVGN 64 is a must-try cigar that is sure to impress.