Gurkha Cigars is announcing the re-release of Castle Hall Nicaragua, a grandfathered brand originally introduced in 2003. Castle Hall Nicaragua is an extension of the Castle Hall line of value cigars that was introduced earlier this year and made in the Dominican Republic. These cigars are being produced by ACC (Cacitrasa) in Esteli, Nicaragua.
Castle Hall Nicaragua is a fantastic cigar offered at less than $5 per cigar (not including tobacco state taxes). The Dominican version was released earlier this year at TPE and this Nicaraguan version is a result of the immediate success of the brand.
The Castle Hall Nicaraguan will be available in 20 count boxes in the following three sizes:
- Robusto (5×52)
- Toro (6×54)
- Magnum (6×60)
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan
Gurkha Cigars are known throughout the world for their premium cigars. The company produces millions of cigars per year that are sold in more than 70 countries worldwide. While Gurkha is known for its exclusivity, it has an impressive array of brands of flawlessly handcrafted, premium cigars created in a variety of strengths, tasting profiles and price-points. No matter what your taste, there’s a Gurkha cigar that’s perfect for your palate. For additional information visit