
Cajun Cigar Czar

Cajun Cigar Czar Closing the Gap Between Cigar Manufacturer and Consumer Through New and Innovative Distribution Channels

Cajun Cigar Czar has quietly become one of the fastest growing cigar distributors by way of clever product placement, high technological acumen, and of course, love of cigars. Dustin Prudhomme. founder of Cajun Cigar Czar feels confident that he can provide new opportunities for cigar makers, by expanding sales in hard to reach markets. Dustin […]

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5 Year Anniversary

Bishops Blend 5 Year Anniversary release announcement

Black Label Trading Company is pleased to announce the shipment of 5 Year Anniversary to select retailers.  Bishops Blend is hand crafted in Esteli, Nicaragua at Fabrica Oveja Negra. This is the fifth-year anniversary of Bishops Blend in the Corona Larga and Robusto vitolas. The Lancero vitola was released earlier this year.  By releasing one […]

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